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Latex: Indent an entire paragraph

April 16, 2022

Here is a good post:

My way is from this post. This way is the simplest. No additional package is needed.




All the following paragraphs are affected by \setlength{\leftskip}{2em}

If you want to stop the effect, you can set \setlength{\leftskip}{0em}

If this is within an environment such as mdframed, you don’t need to set it back to 0em, because it will do automatically. That is the command would not affect the code our side the environment.

Note that \quad=1em, \qquad=2em!!

Latex ctex中文下划线换行

January 13, 2021


其中有一个:使用ulem package 的\uline命令,\usepackage{ulem}


如果是中文的,应该用下面的方法:即中文化的ulem package



\uline{中文 }



latex ctex 中文参考文献乱码

January 11, 2021


1. 中文参考文献的label还是用英文的例如\cite{zhao2020}而不是\cite{赵2020},有的软件编译没问题,有的有问题

2. 之前给我的一个bib,编译后参考文献乱码;后来用ctex另存为utf8还是乱码;后来把内容copy到一个txt文件,再把文件扩展名修改为.bib,然后再另存为utf8,编译通过没有乱码了。所以原文件不知道发生了什么,需要另起炉灶。

Ctex MiKTeX latex package自动更新

December 29, 2020



找到Miktex Console(在win10搜索即可),打开里面settings-》packages are installed from->change->next,然后从列表选择,一般选择更新时间最新的,最上面的




\begin{tcolorbox}[breakable,title=The coefficients in the Robbins-Monro algorithm, beforeupper={\parindent15pt\noindent}]

latex text box

July 27, 2020

It is sometimes required to plot a bounding box around some text in a latex document. It is very simple.

frame hidden,
overlay broken = {
\draw[line width=0.5mm, black, rounded corners]
(frame.north west) rectangle (frame.south east);},




September 21, 2019

第一步:save as-> reduced size PDF


第二步:把PDF中扫描的图片页面单独提取出来成为PDF,再进一步另存为jpg图片,jpg图片已经没有PDF的清楚了,然后在把jpg图片combine并转成PDF,最后再用PDF自带的reduced size PDF功能即可大大压缩。

例子:我一个PDF全部是扫描图片5兆多,转成多个jpg图片后一共成了9兆,再合并成PDF也还是9兆多,但是reduced size PDF后变成了2兆多。最后图片质量会下降。


How to sample from a discrete distribution Matlab

March 26, 2019
function sample=fcn_SampleFromDistribution(variable, PDF)
varNum=max(size(variable)); % number of variables
CDF=cumsum(PDF); % the values increase from 0 to 1
randnum=rand; % a random number uniformly drawn from [0,1]
for i=1:varNum
  if randnum<=CDF(i)


variable=[2 3 4 5 6]; % must be monotonic
PDF=[0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.6]; % the sum must be 1

One note: after you get a random number using rand function, you should compare with the values in CDF. You should check from the smallest values. If randnum is smaller than a value, then the sample would correspond to the value at the same position in the variable array. Note that when you compare CDF and randnum, should not choose the closest value, instead choose the closest but larger value in CDF.

Two good articles about the problem:



March 18, 2019


1. 把下面的代码添加到\begin{document}之前


%=========support Chinese
%gbsn简体宋 gkai简体楷 bsmi繁体宋 bkai繁体楷
%\renewcommand{\contentsname}{目\quad 录}
%\renewcommand{\abstractname}{摘\quad 要}
%=========support Chinese

2. 在正文部分加上下面代码:支持的字体有gbsn简体宋 gkai简体楷 bsmi繁体宋 bkai繁体楷等多种


\begin{CJK*}{UTF8}{gbsn} % \end{CJK*} is at the end



3. 把正文main.tex另存为UTF-8格式,把其它含有汉字的tex文件例如title_page.tex也另存为UTF-8,否则直接报错就是invalid character


4. 编译器直接按F9即可,即PDFTexify即可,其它的例如XeLatex反而不行(没有错误,但是编译完没有弹出PDF)



March 17, 2019




Latex Missing $ inserted

March 12, 2019


A similar bug appeared today. A very simple paragraph leads to an error. I am sure there is no mistake. The error disappeared when I comment the paragraph. However, later in a while, the error emerges again even if the paragraph is still commented.

Finally the problem is solved when I follow the error hint generated by the system. That is I embed “itemize” inside another itemize. Actually this should work. But today it just does not work. After I removed the outer itemize environment, the error disappeared forever.


This error bugged me for a long time.

What’s really wired is that if you add one sentence then the error pops out, if you remove that sentence, the error disappears. But that sentence is a plain text sentence! This is really wired. In fact, if you add another sentence, you may also see the error. It is random, and that’s why it is really a headache!

The conclusion is that I finally solved it. The problem causing the error is that I used some symbols like underscores “_” in some variables!

\chapter[chapter_bearingRigidity]{Bearing Rigidity Theory}

is problematic! Sometimes it works, and sometimes it does not!

\chapter[chapterBearingRigidity]{Bearing Rigidity Theory}

is good!

We know that in many programing languages such as Matlab or C, we can use underscores in variables without any problems.

The fundamental reason in Latex is that Latex may think _ as a math symbol: subscript!! That’s why it asks you to insert $

I was inspired by this post:

Win10 switch input shortcut

March 10, 2019

I have one Chinese input and one English input. The standard and default way to change between them is shift+alt, while I always use shift+ctrl (this is the default shortcut of windows before).

So how to change the shortcut?

The ultimate position to change it is in the “Text services and input languages” dialog window.

1. How to find this dialog window? There are different ways. For example, in some windows systems, you can find the Language option, then you can find it. But in my case, it is very strange and it is located at

Devices->Typing->Advanced keyboard settings->Language bar options

2. If you see this dialog window, how to set?

Advanced keyboard settings tab->Between input languages->Change Key Sequence


Useful Tricks in Microsoft Word

November 17, 2018

Return to the location you edited last time

This is especially useful if you are editing a long document.

  • Method 1: Shift+F5, this is the simplest way
  • Method 2: On the right hand side of MS word 2018, there will be a flag for this purpose.

Change list level: very useful!!

alt+shift+leftarrow or rightarrow



Latex color text

October 26, 2018

If you would like to change the color of some text in latex, there are two ways:

  • \textcolor{<color>}{...}




This way it is very simple to change the color of some text. However, its problem is that it does not allow line breaks. It would be very annoying to use this command if you would like to change the color of many paragraphs.

  • {\color{<color>}...}




Paragraph 1 xxx
paragraph 2 xxx

This way is powerful because you can change the color an entire section if needed. Note that here you do not need to define the color blue, it is a default color.

Latex: multiple columns with different/uneven width

March 18, 2018

Some methods that do NOT work:



The problem of this method is that you cannot adjust the column width, which is automatically calculated by the package.



The problem is that it simply does not work properly and I didn’t spend too much time digging out. The supporting websites are not many.


using tables. The problem is that when I insert sections or other environments in tables, there were errors. I guess table is after all a local environment. It is not suitable to put all the document in tables.

Method that works:


\end{minipage} % no space if you would like to put them side by side


January 30, 2018





  1. 保存类型:类型选”UTF-8”,后缀选择***.tex。也许在下面的{ctex}前面加上[UTF8]也可以。
  2. \usepackage[UTF8]{ctex} %加载包,因为我们在用中文写文档
  3. 就可以直接在WinEdit中对它编译首先要选择合适的编译器:XeLatex, 个编译器对中文支持比较好


修改F9快捷键:F9默认的是pdflatex来编译,如果我们希望使用xelatex来编译可以修改F9快捷键。注意:一般性的修改快捷键的方式比较复杂,我们直线想修改编辑器,可以通过下面方式修改。Option (menu)->Exaction Modes->Tex Options (tab)->Default PDFTexify Engine:

  • 默认值是pdflatex.exe
  • 改成xelatex.exe即可

我的WinEdt的版本是7,还需要每次指定F9触发的编译器. 更高级的版本可以支持更方便的修改,即只是触发下拉列表里面选择的编译器。


解决“error reading”无法打开的问题:如果是中文的,并且是UTF-8格式的tex,直接双击文件无法打开,会报错。这时候先打开winedt软件,然后open菜单,在选择文件的窗口右下角选择“UTF-8”格式,而非默认的*.*格式。


FONT_NAME=”Calibri” //”Calibri” //”Times New Roman”// “SimSun” //default “Courier New”




1. 改变字体分为两种,一种是全局改变,一种是局部改变。

% 用于全局修改字体
% 用于局部修改字体

局部修改的方法:{\huawenxingkai 测试字体}

2. 哪些字体可选择:上面是STXingkai是行楷,还有


我上面测试成功的包括:FangSong, SimSun, NSimSun, STXinwei, SimHei


Read more…

Latex: usage of subfloat minipage

November 11, 2017
\begin{minipage}[b][][t]{.3\textwidth} % [b] bottom [t] top
\begin{minipage}[b][][t]{.3\textwidth} % [b] bottom [t] top
\begin{minipage}[b][][t]{.3\textwidth} % [b] bottom [t] top
 \caption{The bearing error is $\sum_{(i,j)\in\E}\|g_{ij}-g_{ij}^*\|$.}

Feedback linearization of Unicycle Model

November 5, 2017

Keywords: unicycle, single integrator, double integrator, feedback linearization

There are two types of feedback linearization of unicycle models. The first is to obtain a single-integrator model. The second is to obtain a double-integrator model (reference for the double integrator model: Automatica “Distributed formation control of nonholonomic mobile robots without global position measurements”).

my memo: unicycle linearization

Get Euler angles from a rotation matrix

July 26, 2017
Matlab function:

function rho=fcn_EulerFromRotation(R)
% R is the rotation from body to world frame

% assume -pi/2<tht<pi/2


%R32=sin(phi)*cos(tht), R33=cos(phi)*cos(tht)

%R21=cos(tht)*sin(psi), R11=cos(tht)*cos(psi)


matlab generate the same random number everytime

June 16, 2017

use the following command before the rand function, you will get the same random number everytime you run the m file.

rand(‘seed’, 0);


Set latex font

June 12, 2017

The command is:

\renewcommand*\rmdefault{ptm} %ppl

if you want to understand the three letter word: ptm or ppl. Read the table III of this document:

Here is a good introduction:

Click to access schmidt.pdf


March 16, 2017

Theorem -> Thm.
Corollary -> Cor.

Chapter -> Chap.



Insert Youtube video to powerpoint

February 28, 2017

Keywords: youtube, video, PPT, powerpoint, starting time

  • First, go to youtube and find the video. Then click Share->Embed. You will get a code as below:


  • Second, paste the code to word and modify it. Specify the starting and ending times as shown below.


  • Third, go to PPT and click Insert->Video->Online Video->From a Video Embed Code (not the Youtube one). Copy and paste and nail it.



Bearing Laplacian: Matlab code

February 27, 2017

Bearing Laplacian is important in the area of bearing rigidity. Here is the matlab code to generate the bearing Laplacian of a given network. If the rank of the bearing Laplacian is equal to d*n-d-1, then the network is bearing rigid.

keywords: bearing rigidity, bearing Laplacian

clc;clear;close all
% positions of the nodes in the network
p_all=[0 0 0;
   0 1 0;
   -1 0 0;
   0 0 1]';
d=size(p_all,1); % dimension
n=size(p_all,2); % number of nodes
% The symmetric adjacent matrix

% Calculate the bearing Laplacian L
for i=1:n
    for j=1:n
        if neighborMat(i,j)~=0 && i~=j

% See if the rank of L is equal to d*n-d-1. If so, the network is bearing rigid

A special but useful orthogonal projection matrix

February 18, 2017





See details in the memo

matlab annotation

November 28, 2016

a=annotation(‘textarrow’,x,y,’String’,’x_{2}(t), x_{14}(t)’);
set(a, ‘color’, myRed, ‘interpreter’, ‘tex’, ‘fontSize’, 15)

Matlab: plot multi-agent formation control

November 2, 2016

very easy to use!! just copy and paste to your m file and it works!!

Note: set up the input arguments

  • x_all_time
  • num
  • neighborMat
function fcn_myPlot(x_all_time)
global A d n
graycolor=[0.5 0.5 0.5];
finalcolor=[0 0 1]*0.8;
hold on; box on; axis equal
% set label and tick
set(gca, 'fontSize', fontsize)
set(get(gca, 'xlabel'), 'String', 'x', 'fontSize', fontsize);
set(get(gca, 'ylabel'), 'String', 'y', 'fontSize', fontsize);
% hide label and tick
% set(gca, 'xtick', [])
% set(gca, 'ytick', [])
% boxcolor=0.7*ones(1,3);
% set(gca, 'xcolor', boxcolor)
% set(gca, 'ycolor', boxcolor)
% plot agent trajectory
for i=1:num
    plot(xi_all, yi_all, '--', 'color', graycolor);
% initial formation
% for i=1:num
%     for j=i+1:num
%         if neighborMat(i,j)==1
%             pi=x_all_time.signals.values(1,2*i-1:2*i)';
%             pj=x_all_time.signals.values(1,2*j-1:2*j)';
%             line([pi(1),pj(1)], [pi(2),pj(2)], 'linewidth', 2, 'color', graycolor);
%         end
%     end
% end
for i=1:num
    plot(xi_init, yi_init, 'o', 'MarkerEdgeColor', graycolor, 'MarkerFaceColor', graycolor, 'markersize', 10)
% plot circles and text: initial
for i=1:num
    plot(xi_init, yi_init, 'o', ...
        'MarkerSize', markersize,...
        'linewidth', 2,...
        'MarkerEdgeColor', graycolor,...
        'markerFaceColor', 'white');
    text(xi_init, yi_init, num2str(i),...
        'color', graycolor, 'FontSize', textsize, 'horizontalAlignment', 'center', 'FontName', 'times');
% final formation
for i=1:num
    for j=i+1:num
        if neighborMat(i,j)==1
            line([pi(1),pj(1)], [pi(2),pj(2)], 'linewidth', 2, 'color', finalcolor);
% plot circles and text: final
for i=1:num
    plot(xi_init, yi_init, 'o', ...
        'MarkerSize', markersize,...
        'linewidth', 2,...
        'MarkerEdgeColor', finalcolor,...
        'markerFaceColor', [1 1 1]);
    text(xi_init, yi_init, num2str(i),...
        'color', finalcolor, 'FontSize', textsize, 'horizontalAlignment', 'center', 'FontName', 'times');
% % intermediate formation
% for k=1:size(x_all_time.time,1)
%     for i=1:num
%         for j=i+1:num
%             if neighborMat(i,j)==1
%                 pi=x_all_time.signals.values(k,2*i-1:2*i)';
%                 pj=x_all_time.signals.values(k,2*j-1:2*j)';
%                 line([pi(1),pj(1)], [pi(2),pj(2)], 'linewidth', 1, 'color', rand(1,3));
%             end
%         end
%     end
% end
% set limit
xlim=get(gca, 'xlim');
ylim=get(gca, 'ylim');
set(gca, 'xlim', xlim, 'ylim', ylim);

Windows 10 – keyboard problem: apostrophe, single quote do not show up

November 2, 2016

Probelm: when I press the key on the top-left corner to type apostrophe or wavy line, it does not show up until I press another key.

Reason: that is because I used US-international keyboard layout. See the following using link. However, the link below does not match my system very much because my win 10 is more up to date and some settings are different.

Solution: in my system, search Languarge->change your langurate preferences->Options->add an input method-> choose “US” (not the one in the link)

Remove the previous “US-international”. Now it works!!

Useful keyboard shortcuts for MS Word

October 28, 2016

workable for Office 365

  • add bullet: control+shift+L
  • clear formatting: control+shift+N

Microsoft Word 2016 Autocorrection English

October 27, 2016

If you would like to change the languarate that the autocorrection is based on,

Review tab->Langurage->Set proofing languarage->Change the language from British to American and disable “Detect language automatically” (your computer is British)

You may also need to go to

File tab->Options->Language->Choose Editing language: from British to American English

Matlab cell, legend

July 22, 2016

for i=1:n
str=[str, strcat(‘idx=’,num2str(i))];
legend(str, ‘location’,’SouthWest’)

Read more…

Relation between eigenvalue and singular value

July 11, 2016

For any square matrix A, we have

-\sigma_{n-k+1}(A) \le \lambda_k\left(\frac{A+A^T}{2}\right) \le \sigma_k(A)

where 0\le\sigma_n\le\dots\le\sigma_1 are the singular values, and \lambda_n\le\dots\le \lambda_1 are the eigenvalues.

Proof of the right half of the inequality:

See Topics in matrix analysis: page 151, Corollary 3.1.5

Proof of the left half of the inequality:

First, we have


To verify, it is easy to see \lambda_1\left(\frac{-A-A^T}{2}\right)=-\lambda_{n}\left(\frac{A+A^T}{2}\right) and \lambda_n\left(\frac{-A-A^T}{2}\right)=-\lambda_{1}\left(\frac{A+A^T}{2}\right).

Second, applying the right half of the inequality gives


Matlab mod

June 29, 2016

if you would like to achieve something like this:

1 2 3 4->1 2 3 4

-1 0->2 4

5 6->1 2

you should use


where n=4

Graphical meaning of power of adjacency matrix

June 6, 2016


Set default initial page view in adobe reader

May 23, 2016

It’s not that easy, but I finally fixed it.

There are three options provided by Adobe Reader.

  1. File->properties->Initial view
  2. Edit->preferences->Page display->Default layout and zoom
  3. Edit->preferences->Accessibility->Override page display

Many people recommend the second way, but it does not work for me.

The first option works, but only for one single PDF.

The third one works for all PDF for me!!! I found it here


Summary: Useful Tikz commands

May 19, 2016
%% basics %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% define a variable

% coordinate
\coordinate (A)  at (0,0);
% relative coordinate: example
\draw ($(A)+(0,1)$) -- ($(A)+(1,0)$);

% arrow and text
\draw[->,thin] (A)--(A1) node[above] {$x$}; % the text x is beside the node A1
% arrow types
-angle 90 % looks like ->
% path and text 
\path (1) edge[bend left=7,->,sloped] node[near start]{\contour{white}{\tiny -1}  }(2);

Read more…

Skew-symmetric in the complex case

March 8, 2016

Suppose S is a real skew-symmetric matrix; H is a real symmetric matrix.

For a real vector x, we have x^TSx=0. But for a complex vector x, we do not have x^*Sx=0. Instead, we have

  • x^*Sx is imaginary since (x^*Sx)^*=x^*S^*x=-x^*Sx (if the conjugate of a complex number has the opposite sign, then the complex number is imaginary)
  • x^*Hx is real since (x^*Hx)^*=x^*Hx (if the conjugate of a complex number is itself, then it is real)





Monotonicity of binomial coefficients

March 1, 2016

Here are two basic identities about the monotonicity of binormial coefficients


An example to illustrate mesh, surf

February 29, 2016

A Matlab example to illustrate mesh, surf, …

clc;clear;close all;
for ix=1:xNum
    for iy=1:yNum
[X,Y]=meshgrid(x_all,y_all); % don't care X or Y
surf(X,Y,z_all') % there is a transpose for z_all, otherwise the dimensions would not agree




Proof of the Henneberg construction and Laman graph

February 15, 2016


The proof of the equivalence between Henneberg construction and the Laman graph:



Matrix norm and spectral radius

February 10, 2016

Let \|A\| be any norm of the nxn matrix A. Then


where |A|_{\sigma} is the spectral radius which is \max |\lambda_i(A)|.

See reference or paper – The Rate of Convergence of a Matrix Power Series

Jordan Form – Generalized Eigenvector

January 7, 2016

Every matrix A can be written as A=PJP^{-1}

  • We are already very familiar with the matrix J, which can give us many useful insights.
  • We are not very familiar with the matrix P, which contains the generalized eigenvectors.

Every matrix has n linearly independent eigenvectors.

We use an example to demonstrate:

A=PJP^{-1}=P  \left[  \begin{array}{ccc}  \lambda & 1 & 0 \\  0 & \lambda & 1\\  0 & 0 & \lambda  \end{array}  \right]P^{-1}


A[p_1,p_2,p_3]=[p_1,p_2,p_3]\left[  \begin{array}{ccc}  \lambda & 1 & 0 \\  0 & \lambda & 1\\  0 & 0 & \lambda  \end{array}  \right]


  1. Ap_1=\lambda p_1 \Leftrightarrow (A-\lambda I)p_1=0
  2. Ap_2=p_1+\lambda p_2 \Leftrightarrow (A-\lambda I)p_2=p_1 \Rightarrow (A-\lambda I)^2p_2=0
  3. Ap_3=p_2+p_3\lambda \Leftrightarrow (A-\lambda I)p_3=p_2


  1. p_1 is the normal eigenvector for \lambda. For each Jordan block, there is just one normal eigenvector. The normal eigenvector is always the first column of those corresponding to the Jordan block.
  2. p_2, p_3 are the generalized eigenvectors. They can be computed by (A-\lambda I)p_2=p_1 or (A-\lambda I)^2p_2=0. Note (A-\lambda I)^2p_2=0 has two solutions: one is p_1 and the other is p_2.


In addition, note

(A-\lambda I)p_1=0, \quad (A-\lambda I)^2p_2=0, \quad (A-\lambda I)^3p_3=0

Note A-\lambda I is a special nilpotent matrix: shift matrix. We have

A-\lambda I=\left[  \begin{array}{ccc}  0& 1 & 0 \\  0 & 0& 1\\  0 & 0 & 0  \end{array}  \right], \quad  (A-\lambda I)^2=\left[  \begin{array}{ccc}  0& 0 & 1 \\  0 & 0& 0\\  0 & 0 & 0  \end{array}  \right]  (A-\lambda I)^3=\left[  \begin{array}{ccc}  0& 0 & 0 \\  0 & 0& 0\\  0 & 0 & 0  \end{array}  \right]

Therefore, the null space of (A-\lambda I)^2 is spanned by p_1, p_2. So when computing p_2, p_2 is the one that satisfies (A-\lambda I)^2p_2=0 but (A-\lambda I)p_2\ne 0. Since (A-\lambda I)^3 is zero, p_3 is just a vector that is linear independent to p_1, p_2.


The Jordan block is not necessarily as shown above. For example, it can have the form of

\left[  \begin{array}{ccc}  \lambda & a & 0 \\  0 & \lambda & a\\  0 & 0 & \lambda  \end{array}  \right]

Then, every matrix is still similar to a modified Jordan matrix. The only difference is the norms of the generalized eigenvectors in P are scaled by a. For example, from

A[p_1,p_2,p_3]=[p_1,p_2,p_3]\left[  \begin{array}{ccc}  \lambda & a & 0 \\  0 & \lambda & a\\  0 & 0 & \lambda  \end{array}  \right]

we have

Ap_1=\lambda p_1
Ap_2=ap_1+\lambda p_2
Ap_3=ap_2+\lambda p_3

and hence

(A-\lambda I)p_1=0
(A-\lambda I)p_2=ap_1
(A-\lambda I)p_3=ap_2

Therefore, the previous generalized eigenvectors are still valid, we just need to scale them by a. For example, suppose q_1,q_2,q_3 are the generalized eigenvectors for the case of a=1, then for general a we have the generalized eigenvectors as q_1, aq_2,a^2q_3.

Note a can be chosen differently for different Jordan block in a Jordan matrix. One option is to choose a=-Re(\lambda_i). See, for example, 1997- Two Results About the Matrix Exponential, Corollary 6

For example:

A=\left[  \begin{array}{ccc}  2 & 1 & 0 \\  0 & 2 & 1\\  0 & 0 & 2\end{array}  \right]=\left[  \begin{array}{ccc}  1 & 0 & 0 \\  0 & 1 & 0\\  0 & 0 & 1\end{array}  \right]\left[  \begin{array}{ccc}  2 & 1 & 0 \\  0 & 2 & 1\\  0 & 0 & 2\end{array}  \right]\left[  \begin{array}{ccc}  1 & 0 & 0 \\  0 & 1 & 0\\  0 & 0 & 1\end{array}  \right]

It has been verified by Matlab that

A=\left[  \begin{array}{ccc}  2 & 1 & 0 \\  0 & 2 & 1\\  0 & 0 & 2\end{array}  \right]=\left[  \begin{array}{ccc}  1 & 0 & 0 \\  0 & 5 & 0\\  0 & 0 & 25\end{array}  \right]\left[  \begin{array}{ccc}  2 & 5 & 0 \\  0 & 2 & 5\\  0 & 0 & 2\end{array}  \right]\left[  \begin{array}{ccc}  1 & 0 & 0 \\  0 & 5 & 0\\  0 & 0 & 25\end{array}  \right]^{-1}

A useful inequality for eigenvalue and singular value

December 12, 2015

Let A be an arbitrary matrix. Suppose \sigma_1\ge \sigma_2\ge\dots\ge \sigma_n and \lambda_1\ge \lambda_2\ge\dots\ge \lambda_n.

General result:

For any k=1,…,n, we have

\sigma_{k}(A)\ge \lambda_k\left(\frac{A+A^*}{2}\right)

Special but very useful result:

\sigma_{\min}(A)\ge \lambda_{\min}\left(\frac{A+A^*}{2}\right)

\sigma_{\max}(A)\ge \lambda_{\max}\left(\frac{A+A^*}{2}\right)


Suppose A=S-I where S is skew-symetric. Note (A+A^T)/2=I.Then

\sigma_{\min}(S-I)\ge \lambda_{\min}(-I)=1


paper – 2000-singular values of matrix exponential, thm 1.4


Multiple solutions to a Lyapunov equation

December 9, 2015

Keywords: Lyapunov equation, unique solution, nonunique solution, stable matrix, Hurwitz matrix, controllability Gramian

For the Lyapunov equation AW+WA^T=-BB^T, it is well known that if A is stable, then the solution (controllability Gramian) is unique. Here I just give an example showing that if A is unstable, then it will have multiple solutions.

A =
 -1     1      1
 -1     0     0
 -1     0     0
B =
W1 =
 0.5     0      0
 0       0.5    0
 0        0     0.5
W2 =
 0.5     0        0
 0      0.25    0.25
 0      0.25    0.25

It can be verified that

 -0.5000 + 1.3229i
 -0.5000 - 1.3229i
 0.0000 + 0.0000i

So A has two negative eigenvalues and one zero eigenvalue.

  • It can be verified that W1 and W2 both satisfy the Lyapunov equation!!
  • In addition, W2 is the controllability Gramian W=\int^\infty_0 e^{At}BB^Te^{A^Tt} by using the following code

Summarize the properties of AW+WA^T=-BB^T

December 1, 2015

For AW+WA^T=-BB^T, three key conditions are:

(I) W>0
(II) A is stable
(III) (A,B) is controllable

To important conclusions:

  • If W>0, then A is stable if and only if (A,B) is controllable! The proof is very simple based on the equation of Re(\lambda) shown below. See details here
  • If A is stable, then W>0 if and only if (A,B) is controllable! That is because in this case W is the controllability Gramian. It is well known that W>0 if and only if (A,B) is controllable.

The first conclusion means that (I)+(II)->(III) and (I)+(III)->(II).
The second conclusion means that (II)+(I)->(III) and (II)+(III)->(I)

Therefore, the above two conclusions indicate that in the above three conditions, any two conditions imply the other condition. Hence the third conclusion, which may seem strange, is

  • If (A,B) is controllable, then W>0 if and only if A is stable!

The third conclusion is simply equivalent to say (III)+(I)->(II) and (III)+(II)->(I), which have been proved to be correct by the first two conclusions.

Another way to summarize:

  • (I)+(II)->(III): prove based on the equation of Re(\lambda)
  • (I)+(III)->(II): prove based on the equation of Re(\lambda) or the controllability Gramian
  • (II)+(III)->(I): prove based on the controllability Gramian


Keywords: Lyapunov equation, negative stability, positive stability, Hurwitz

Problem: Given the Lyapunov equation


where W is positive definite and H is positive (semi-)definite. Now prove that A is positive (semi-)stable.

Conclusion: Suppose \lambda\in\sigma(A) and x^*A=\lambda x^*. Note even for real matrix A, if its eigenvalue is complex, the eigenvector is also complex and we need to use conjugate transpose. One important conclusion is that


Clearly, if W is PD and H is PSD, then A is positive semi-stable. If W and H are both PD, then A is positive stable.

Detailed proof: See details here The proof is inspired by Topics in Matrix Analysis Lemma 2.4.5.

Structural controllability: How to Interpret Dilation and Cactus

November 23, 2015

Keywords: structural controllability, network controllability, stem, bud, cactus, dilation

How to Interpret Dilation and Cactus:

memo – structrual controllability

Matrix Exponential of Jordan Blocks

October 13, 2015

Here is a memo.

my memo

Key words: matrix exponential, Jordan block, Jordan canonical form

Singular values and diagonal entries of a PSD matrix

October 6, 2015

Fact: \sigma_{max}(A)\ge [A]_{ii}\ge \sigma_{min}(A)

Proof: note \sigma_{max}(A)\ge x^T Ax for all \|x\|=1

Choose x=e_i, then it can be seen that \sigma_{max}(A)\ge [A]_{ii}.

Similarly, we can show \sigma_{min}(A)\le [A]_{ii}

For more complicated version, see Cauchy interlacing theorem.

Matrix condition number and angles between column vectors

October 1, 2015

keywords: matrix condition number, lower bound, angles between the column vectors, maximum and minimum singular values


Which controllability Gramain is which Lyapunov equation’s solution??

September 24, 2015

For system x_dot=Ax+Bu, there are different definitions of the controllability Gramain and different definitions of the Lyapunov equations.


W_c=\int_0^\infty e^{At}BB^Te^{A^Tt}dt

is the soluton to




Taking integral on both sides of the above equation gives

The left:

\int_0^\infty \frac{d(e^{At}BB^Te^{A^Tt})}{dt}dt=e^{At}BB^Te^{A^Tt}\left.\right|_0^\infty=0-BB^T

The right:

\int_0^\infty \left(Ae^{At}BB^Te^{A^Tt}+e^{At}BB^Te^{A^Tt}A^T\right)dt=AW_c+W_cA^T

Therefore, the left and right give


Remark: the above state is consistent with many papers and hence no need to worry about the correctness. In the past, I always thought the Gramian is the solution to the following one


But in fact it is not. The above Lyapunov equation can be obtained if you consider system x_dot=Ax and Lyapunov function V=x^TPx.

Real normal matrix

September 15, 2015

A complex matrix is normal if and only if A^*A=AA^* or A can be unitarily diagonalizable A=U\Lambda U^*, where * denotes the conjugate transpose or Hermitian transpose.

For a real matrix A, it is normal if and only if A^TA=AA^T. In this case, how to prove it is equivalent to unitarily diagonalizable?

If A=U\Lambda U^*, then A^TA=A^*A=U\Lambda^*U^*U\Lambda U^*=U\Lambda^*\Lambda U^*=U\Lambda \Lambda^*U^*=U\Lambda U^*U\Lambda^*U^*=AA^*=AA^T

Note if there are complex matrices, use conjugate transpose instead of real transpose! In the above proof, if you use real transpose all the time, you cannot prove it.


By the way, any complex number a+bj can be mapped to a 2×2 matrix as

[a b;
-b a]


[a -b;
b a]

It is interesting that the 2×2 matrix is normal (it is a sum of an identity matrix and a skew-symmetric matrix, which are both normal and in the meantime commute). It can be shown that the sum and product of any two complex numbers can be equivalently expressed as the sum and product of two 2×2 matrices.